Monday, 11 July 2016

Recent photographic assignments 2016

Should you wish to contact me you regarding an event you can Email:  or phone 0116469435 (H) or my cell 0741839411

Thank you Rowan Wilkinson it was awesome having you capture our special day - the sneak peaks have been amazing! Can't wait to see the rest!! you are an absolute genius - these pics are PHENOMENAL Thank you for capturing our day!! I love them - so different!!! 
I will definitely be marketing your services- you were amazing! Thank you for THE most amazing pics - you are an absolute genius!!!
Ah guys you make me blush - thank you for your kind words! This also thank you to the amazing Rowan Wilkinson the phenomenal photographer. Nadia Bacchini

Dear Rowan

"Success is not a state to arrive at, but rather, a manner of travelling. Thanks for contributing to our success." 

Just a note of sincere thanks for the beautiful photos you took at our afternoon Awards function and our main event in the evening. You definitely captured the magic of each moment.

Thank you for editing and getting the disc done so quickly.  I apologies that I did not get a chance to see you and thank you properly.

With much appreciation

Sharon  Soutter
Steiner Group

Hi Rowan, herewith proof of balance of payment

Our sincere thanks for the stunning pics - I have no hesitation in
recommending you to anyone and will certainly do so should the occasion

Take care,
Sue Wessels
PA to Financial Director

Hi Rowan

I had a long chat to Wendy Hardy this afternoon to get her feedback on her conference and just wanted to tell you that she said you were "brilliant - such a nice guy" and that she's definitely going to use you for stuff she has to do in Durban in future.

So, I just wanted to thank you very much indeed for taking such care over your job for my beloved Client.  I've thanked Steffi at the Hotel for her great recommendation.

Thanks so very much and Wendy's going to send me some of her pics so I can see for myself.

Hope you've got a lovely, peaceful day planned for tomorrow.

With my kind regards
 Paula Kernan | SAACI Accredited Conference Organiser

Dear Rowan

Warren and I would just like to say thank you again soooo much for all your time, effort and assistance in making our special day such a memorable one – it really is greatly appreciated!!!   We honestly had such a fabulous time, and the memories of that day are truly going to last a lifetime!!!  And you did such a fantastic job to capture all of those memories for us with the photos you took.  And I just want to say you really were great, and words still fail me to express just that!!!  All I can say is, you come highly recommended - anybody would be very lucky to have you as their photographer!!!

Again, a very big, big thank you for our absolutely beautiful photographs!!

Kindest regards

Ninette Gent (nee Ferguson)
Sappi Management Services (Pty) Ltd
Tel +27(0)11 407 8165

Naand Rowan

Is vannaand hier by my ouers, om my pa te help met sy internet & mail.
En toe sien ek jy het dit hiernatoe gemail. Ek kan jou nie vertel hoe mooi
die foto's
is. Dit voel sommer of ek weer trou, as ek na die foto's kyk.Dis so lewendig
& besonders!
Ek kyk oor & oor na dit.......

Dit was so 'n spesiale en wonderlike dag vir my!! En soos ek gese het: "Jou
werk is puik!"
Sonder jou en jou talent sou die "memories" nie moontlik gewees het. Almal
wat die foto's
 gesien het se monde hang oop, dis so mooi.

Rustige nag vir jou en 'n vrolike naweek vir jou!


Dear Rowan

Thank you so much for the high quality work you did from our last conference we had at Champagne's Sports.

We need you again. Please quote me again as we will be doing another conference in Alpine Heath for the abovementioned  dates but I need you only for Monday 14 August from 16H00 when we will have activities going on that needs capturing till 17:30 when activities finishes. Also starting the same day from 18:30 to take some pics for pre-dinner drinks  21:30 to cover our evening that includes awards please.

Will await to hear form you.

Thank you

Ntombenhle Gwala
Alexander Forbes Financial Services